Turkmen Music &Multimedia
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Another Video Clip About Turkmenistan A Video About Ruhnama (In turkish) A Video About the 10th Annuversay
of turkmenistan and Turkmen History (In turkmen)
Turkmen Toy (In turkmen)
Turkmen Fashion Show (In turkish)
Turkmen horses Video “Ahalteke”(In English) A traditional Turkmen Wedding Ceremony in Turkmensahra Composer, Dangatar Ovezov Composer, Veli Muhatov Listen
to turkmenistan National Music (with voice)
Copyright The following musics are from the CD's that are still selling. Please donot try to copy them. They are only for listening. You
can bye them from their sellers. Please erase the
downloaded files after listening. POEITS: 1)A Poem of Maghtumguly (By: Golara Ghorbandordinejad)
Music by Nury
Halmammed Vol.1 Vol.2 “Aygytly Adim” ç/f aydym we sazlary 11-14
& 19 aıdym ABOUT DUNYA Dunya Nurmammedova is a
naturally talented and intelligent pianist from the former She moved to the ‘Dunya is a naturally talented practical performer and
her ability on piano displays good and developing technique, natural
musicality and growing maturity’. When she was 19, she received Advanced Level Piano
Recital Diploma Certificate from Guildhall School of Music and Drama in When she was 7 years old,
she moved to Ankara-Turkey as the daughter of a diplomat. In her early life,
she studied at a private school called METU, which is one of the best private
schools in She gave her first major
public concert at the age of 15 in TRT (Turkish Official TV and Radio). In
this concert, the audience consisted of musicians, professors, politicians,
diplomats and press members. Since then, she performed several times in TV
and radio stations such as TV8, TRT, NTV and Radio Free Europe. She also
performed numerous occasions in Turkish Parliament and Turkish Society
Historical Concert Hall, where she won awards for her performances from
politicians and ministers. When she was 17, she was awarded for her
performance by the Turkish Cultural Ministry, Dr. Huseyin
Celik. At the same age, there was also a book published
about her, which consists of her photos, articles etc. Reviews ‘A musical
player… A charming platform manner.’ Philip Fowke, Head of Piano Department, ‘Dunya is a naturally talented practical performer and her
ability on piano displays good and developing technique, natural musicality
and growing maturity. She has performed very many times in public lunchtime
and evening concerts during the course, both in solo work and in occasional
ensemble performances, always with a sense of style and
professionalism.’ Dr Mark Bellis,
Director of Music, BPCFE ‘I admired
the freshness of veritable intelligence, the versatile repertoire and her technical
performance. Undoubtedly, Dunya will continue to
enchant us in the future with the brightness of her God gifted talent.’ Dr. V.V. Anisimov, Professor, ‘…Young
musician’s outstanding performance.’ Magazine, ‘New Euro-Asia’ ‘Musically,
her playing is always expressive and well considered.’ Ian Davis, Lecturer &
Piano Professor, ‘Although
she is just 17 years old, she performs her art like butterflies whose fingers
fly over the piano. With her extraordinary talent, she promises greater hopes
for the future… Musical compositions… which expresses the gracefulness of her
soul… Dunya gave a recital that warmed up our
souls…’ Dr. Huseyin
Celik, Turkish Cultural Minister ‘… Always
displaying a sensitive musicality, whether in performance of her own
compositions, of Turkish music, or of the Classical composers. In the St
Cecilia concert, our major end - of - term concert, she performed a Turkish
composition and also Chopin’s Nocturne in C sharp minor. These were both
played extremely well.’ Dr Mark Bellis,
Director of Music, BPCFE ‘…She is an
intelligent and a good musician…’ Dr. Rejep
Recebov, Head of the Turkmen Composers ‘Dunya achieved a versatile and an expressive performance.
Apart from
her performance and interpretation skills, she has drawn my attention as a
very young talent with her specific
composition skills.’ Dr. Ali Ucan,
‘I was very
impressed by not only her musical performance, but also by the compositions
of this young talent. I believe that a very bright future is awaiting Dunya.’ Mine Calisal,
Head of TRT (Turkish Official Television and Radio), Music Department ‘Her
performance proved her talent. The power of expression in her compositions,
the way she conveys her emotions and feelings to the audience showed that she
will have greater success in the future.’ Danyal Gurdal, Foreign
Broadcasting Director, Turkish Official Television and Radio (TRT) ‘… She is a
really versatile child like the world… There was also something else to be
considered; the audience was all consisted of people of elite class. And the
concert was organised very well. Before the
concert, I thought it would be a work of a young girl or an amateur. But in
the concert, I was unbelievably excited, she was a real professional. Her
compositions were extraordinary… Dunya felt it in
her soul… I have never been affected so much while listening to any kind of
music. I was so touched. I was about to cry…’ Hatice Gursoz, Academic Director
of the Graduates of Fine Arts ‘Her
performance attracted the attention and admiration of the audience.’ Koksal Toptan, Speaker of
Turkish Parliament ‘We listened to the concert given by a young
talent with admiration.’ Kemal Fahir
Genc, Assistant Undersecretary, Turkish Cultural
Ministry ‘The beautiful performance and her manner of
expressing the music arouse the feelings of love, brotherhood and
friendship.’ Elham Aleskerov, First Secretary
of the Azerbaijani Embassy ‘…She is an
excellent artist…’ Ensar Kilic, Actor, State
Theatres of the Ministry of Culture of the ‘We were very touched in such a night. Dunya enabled us to experience lots of excellent
feelings. She really has beautiful compositions. The concert hall was
completely full… She has expressed her art exceptionally…’ Dr. Rasim
Ozyurek, Professor, Bilkent
University ‘… ‘Dunya performed compositions by Bach, Beethoven and
Mozart, as well as of those of Turkish and Turkmen composers. The 15 year
old pianist Dunya received much acclaim from the
audience. The guests of honour at the concert
included Assistant Undersecretary of the Cultural Ministry Fahir Kemal Genc, officials
from the Foreign and National Education Ministries, representatives of higher
education and conservatoires, diplomats, students and members of the Turco -Turkmen Friendship association.’ Newspaper, ‘Neytralniy Dünya Hakkında Dünya Nurmammedova Türkmenistan’lı doğal
yetenekli zeki bir piyanisttir. Dünya olgun bir
müzisyendir ve onun çalıºı her zaman müzikalite ve tutku doludur. Dünya 7 yaºındayken bir diplomat kızı olarak Ankara’ya taºınmıºtır. Türkiye’nin
en iyi özel okullarından biri olan ODTÜ Koleji’nde
okumuºtur ve aynı zamanda da okulun en baºarılı öğrencilerinden
biri olmuºtur. Onun ciddi müzik
eğitimi 15 yaºındayken
Hacattepe Konservatuarı’na
girmeye karar vermekle baºlamıºtır.
Dünya aynı zamanda Isabella Alexandrova, Hatira Emrahova ve Orazgül Annamuradova gibi Bilkent ve Türkmen konservatuarlarının
bazı değerli piyano hocalarının da
öğrencisi olmuºtur. Dünya 15 yaºındayken ilk önemli konserini TRT’de vermiºtir. Bu konsere müzisyenler, profesörler, politikacılar,
diplomatlar ve basın mensupları
katılmıºtır. Dünya
o günden itibaren, birçok kez TV8, TRT, NTV ve
Radio Free Europe gibi televizyon
ve radyo kurumlarında
piyano çalmıºtır.
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi ve Ankara Resim Heykel Müzesi’nin tarihi binalarında birçok konseri olmuºtur ve konserleri için bakan ve politikacılar tarafından
ödüllendirilmiºtir. Dünya 17 yaºındayken kendi için düzenlenen
bir gecede piyano resitalı vermiºtir ve Türk Kültür Bakanı Dr. Hüseyin Çelik tarafından baºarılı
performansı için ödüllendirilmiºtir. Ve yine aynı yaºtayken, Dünya’nın müzik hayatı hakkında Bakan Dr.Hüseyin Çelik’in önsözüyle baºlayan ‘Baºarının
İlk Adımları’ adlı bir kitap yayınlanmıºtır
ve bu kitapta Dünya’nın çeºitli konserlerinden resimler ve hakkında makaleler yer almıºtır. Dünya 17 yaºında müzik eğitimine ve sahne kariyerine devam etmek için
İngiltere’ye taºınmıºtır.
İngiliz muzik okulu diºrektörü Dr. Mark Bellis, Dünya hakkında ‘Dünya doğal yetenekli ve hünerli bir sahne sanatçısıdır,
onun piyanodaki marifeti iyi ve geliºmekte olan bir teknik, doğal
bir müzikalite ve büyüyen bir olgunluk
göstermektedir’ demektedir. Dünya 19 yaºındayken İngiltere’nin en iyi konservatuarlarından biri olan Guildhall School of Music and Drama’dan Yüksek Seviye Piyano Resitali Diploma Sertifikası
almıºtır. Yine aynı yaºtayken, İngiltere’nin Türkmensähra Konserti:
Listen to Albume of “Halk, Watan,
Türkmenbaºy” National Songs about turkmenistan
and President Turkmenbashy 1)
Türkmenistanyò Döwlet Gimini (Aıdıar Türkmenistanyò Konserwatoriasynyò Hory) 2)
Türkmenistanyò Döwlet Gimini (Çalıar Türkmenistanyò Goranmak Ministirliginiò Hormat Garawulynyò Orkestri) 3)
Halkym Saòa Kän Garaºdy Serdarym
(Aıdıar Jemal Saparowa we Aıdymçylar Topary) (Aıdıar Jemal Saparowa we Aıdymçylar Topary) (Aıdıar Nury Hojamuhammedow
we Aıd. Topary) (Aıdıar Gulnar Nuryıewa , Myrat Baıramgeldiıew) 10)
Goı aıdylsyn Serdarymyò Aıdymy (Aıdıar Gulnar Nuryıewa , Myrat Baıramgeldiıew) 15)Keremli Taòrym Gora Türkmenbaºymyzy (Aydıar Gülnar Nuryıewa , Myrat Baıramgeldiıew) (Aydıar Gülnar Nuryıewa , Myrat Baıramgeldiıew)